[Operating Procedures – Appendix C]

A. General: Blue Sky members must coordinate their own flight instruction as the Club does not involve itself in the business of flight training. Members can select any CFI they wish (including a Solberg CFI), provided s/he is familiar and competent with the specific BSAA club aircraft and its avionics.

Only a Certified Flight Instructor is permitted to give instruction in Club aircraft and only to an Active club member. See Section 3 of the club’s Operating Instructions for further detail.

B. The following training activities are prohibited:

  1. Initial Pilot Training (Blue Sky does not accept any pilot who has not obtained a Private Pilot Certificate)
  2. Spin Training or any intentional spin entry.
C. The following training activities are acceptable:
  1. Aircraft orientation
  2. Annual Flight Review
  3. Biennial Flight Review
  4. Instrument Rating
  5. Commercial Pilot Certificate
  6. Complex Aircraft Endorsement
  7. Night Qualification
  8. Currency Training/Checks

D. Insurance coverage: Blue Sky insurance policy covers member-CFIs, but it does not cover non-member CFIs. Please refer to Section 2.3 and specifically sections 2.3.4 and 2.3.5 of the Blue Sky Operating Instructions for further details.

E. List of CFIs:

  1. Any CFI (including Solberg CFIs) who meets the requirements in section A, of this Appendix.
  2. Isa Abbassi
  3. Thomas Bubb
  4. Dan Collins
  5. Paul D’Auria
  6. Frank DeLuca
  7. Tom Halvorson
  8. Roger Harris
  9. Brian Moor
  10. Tomas Najzer
  11. John Nolan
  12. Dennis Sullivan
  13. Mike Terruso
  14. Greg Weber


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