Blue Sky’s Own Hero

(updated with additional article – 10-2-2020)

Just ran into these two articles today, both mentioning former Blue Sky member and WW2 pilot extraordinaire – Bob Vaucher. Some of you, no doubt, heard Bob’s presentation at our annual banquet several years back. Bob was to participate in the “Arsenal of Democracy” flight a couple days ago, but unfortunately it was scrubbed for weather.

Last year, Bob came to the banquet as a guest and I had the pleasure of sitting next to him. He told me that he and his crew flew around the world without talking to any controllers – other than the towers. All by dead-reckoning! I asked him how old he was when he did that. He had to think for a couple seconds, then said with a bit of a grin: “I guess I was 23”. He’s 102 now and one cool character.

AOPA article1

AOPA article2

AvWeb article

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